PRICE: $550.00

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Sarabella Tuscan Art Apples and Mini Pomegranates

Indulge in the extraordinary. Clarify your vision for the designer kitchen or the entertainment room. These pomegranate and delicious apple look-a-likes fill this Sarabella Tuscan Jar to the brim. It could be displayed in the entry or the board room, in the kitchen or in a restaurant, in the media room or in a guest lodge.

Size 10” wide x 12” tall.
Weight: 13.3 lbs.
Art Décor #243


Sarabella Tuscan Art Yellow Pepper and Peas

Simple beauty of this Tuscan Jar pulls us back to the old ways, to our roots, watching Mom “putting up” the garden fresh vegetables. The kitchen window would be a great spot to display this beautifully handcrafted Sarabella. The contrast of the yellow bell peppers with the vibrant green peas in their pod makes this jar one you want to share.

Size: 10” wide x 12” tall.
Weight: 13.3 lbs.

Art décor #218


Sarabella Tuscan Art Apples and Pears

This handcrafted jar was blown in Spain from recycled glass. The complementing colors of the little green apples, the delicious apples and the small red pears accommodate the placement of this decorator art piece in several rooms of your home or cabin. The library or the home office could be a great setting. You could display it in a showy place in your kitchen or on the welcome table of your entry.

Size: 10” wide x 12” tall.
Weight: 13.3 lbs.

Art Décor #221


Sarabella Tuscan Art Lemons Artichokes and Eggplant

Cheery lemons surround the flowering faces of heirloom artichokes in this one-of-a-kind Sarabella Bravo jar. Enjoy the harmonious shades of purples and yellows in these air-brushed artichokes. Each lemon and artichoke has been painstakingly glued into place in order to keep this piece in perfect balance. Add elegance and cheer to any tabletop, buffet or lobby with this beauty.

Size: 10" wide x 12” tall
Weight: 13.3 lbs.

Art Décor # 228


Sarabella Tuscan Art Red and Green Pomegranates

This Bravo Jar is filled with airbrush painted red and green pomegranates. The organic, food quality solution, is infused with an additives to assure you that these colorful, powerful fruits stay bright and fresh. This jar would look great on the desk of a nutritionist in any hospital or clinic.

Size: 10” wide x 12" tall.
Weight: 13.3 lbs.

Art Décor #54


Sarabella Tuscan Art Food Toss in a Bravo Tuscan Jar

This vibrant collage of colors reminds you of a food toss in a Tuscan Jar. The recycled glass vessel was made in Spain but the minestrone filling is all Tuscan. The ingredients include airbrush painted tomatoes, petite peas, mushrooms, artichokes, and cucumbers. It would be welcome at any epicurean event, or gathering of executive chefs.

Size: 10” wide x 12” tall.
Weight: 13.3 lbs.

Art Décor #55


Sarabella Tuscan Art Tomatoes and Mini Pears

Any cooking enthusiast will be happy to display this Tuscan jar filled with ripe tomatoes and mini green/yellow pears. It stands out by fitting in.

Try different places to show this glass vessel. The den, the kitchen, the guest bath would be a great places to show this distinctive culinary art piece.

Size: 10” wide x 12” tall.
Weight: 13.3 lbs.

Art Décor #181


Sarabella Tuscan Art Green and Red Pomegranates

There is no such thing as too much of a good thing. With over 250 design choices to choose from, you will learn that no two Sarabella look exactly alike. They are uniquely one of a kind. Color often influences the decision to purchase a specific Tuscan Jar. These glass vessels were created to reflect your culinary passion. Look for this timeless work of art in your favorite restaurant or in the luxury hotel in the city near you.

Size: 10” wide x 12” tall.
Weight: 13.3 lbs.

Art Décor #200


Sarabella Tuscan Art Limes and White Pumpkin

Capturing the spirit of summer in this Tuscan jar, the limes are the perfect back drop for these variegated pure white and lime green pumpkins. Using the pumpkin-like, Primo glass vessel allows the fruit to take on a slightly distorted, fractured light that emphasizes the gorgeous coloring. Place this Sarabella Tuscan Jar in your gourmet kitchen or in the sitting room where it can be admired.

Size: 10” wide x 12” tall.
Weight: 13.6 lbs.

Art Décor #120